Work Samples
These work samples are from actual cases that Altiorem Legal Services (hereinafter referred to as “Altiorem”) has worked on. All manner of personal information contained in these work sample documents has been redacted or altered to preserve the parties’ and the attorneys’ privacy. Furthermore, all attorney names, bar numbers, client names, case numbers, addresses, etc. contained in these work samples are fictitious. Moreover, even though Altiorem’s name may appear in these documents as a law office—which is done as an appeal to creativity—Altiorem is not a law firm; Altiorem’s staff are not attorneys, cannot act as attorneys, and do not act as attorneys; and Altiorem’s services and work samples are not a substitute for legal advice from an attorney. These work samples do not constitute legal advice in any form or any level, and they should not be misconstrued as such. Although these work samples are of excellent quality and completeness—as they are presented herein to illustrate the top quality of Altiorem’s work—whosoever shall choose to use these work samples as templates or a template for their legal matter(s), does so solely at their own risk and unequivocally and wholly releases Altiorem from any liability resulting from a failed or damaged case or, otherwise, from any negative effect caused to the case or to any party as a result of using Altiorem’s work samples as templates without correctly knowing how to do so. It is not recommended that pro se litigants (individuals representing themselves with no attorney) use these work samples in their case without first consulting Altiorem, a competent attorney, or any competent legal professional as to how to correctly do so. These work samples are the sole property of Altiorem, and no one may use them in any manner that would result in pecuniary gain without Altiorem’s prior express written consent and approval.
Criminal Law
Criminal law is one of the areas of law in which we work the most, and it is truly one of our areas of expertise. In criminal law cases, we provide vital support through case research, legal research, investigation reports, other investigations, document preparation, efficient file management, and much more. We are particularly skilled at understanding the complexities of criminal cases and the laws and legal reasoning involved in all manner of criminal issues.
View Criminal Law Work Samples Below ↓
- Motion to Suppress Evidence (Sample)
- Charging Document (Sample)
- Notice of Appearance and Request for Discovery (Sample)
- Motion in Limine (Sample)
- Federal Sentencing Memorandum (Sample)
- Response Letter to Utah DCFS (Sample)
- Motion to Reduce Bail (Sample)
- Motion for Determination of Self Defense Under Utah Code § 76-2-309 (Sample)
- Memorandum of Law in Support of the Admission of Material Evidence Subject to Hearsay Exceptions (Sample)
- Petition for a Writ of Habeas Corpus (Sample)
- Motion for Finding of Entrapment (Sample)
- Memorandum in Opposition to the Motion in Limine of the State (Sample)
Family Law
Family law is another one of our areas of expertise, as we provide family law services very regularly. Our services in family law cover the inherent sensitive matters of the field, from divorce and child custody issues to many more. We prepare robust legal documents—including all manner of documents, such as Petitions, Answers, Counterclaims, Motions, Memorandums, Initial Disclosures, Financial Declarations, and many more—conduct thorough legal and fact research, and organize all the necessary paperwork, ensuring that family law cases progress smoothly for both clients and legal practitioners. We also offer mediation services.
View Family Law Work Samples Below ↓
- Complaint for Divorce – A (Sample)
- Complaint for Divorce – B (Sample)
- Answer and Counterclaim (Sample)
- Petition for Child Custody (Sample)
- Motion for Temporary Orders (Sample)
- Prenuptial Agreement (Sample)
- Stipulation to Modify Child Custody and Support Order, and Parenting Plan (Sample)
- Objection to Proposed Parentage Decree and Judgment (Sample)
- Verified Ex Parte Emergency Motion for Temporary Orders of Child Custody, Parent-Time, and Child Support (Sample)
- Motion to Compel Mediation (Sample)
- Order on Motion to Compel Mediation (Sample)
Other Civil Litigation Matters
General civil litigation is another area in which we have substantial expertise. We provide comprehensive support for various civil litigation matters, including organizing information and drafting top-tier legal documents. Our expertise ensures that legal professionals have the tools needed to handle a wide range of civil cases effectively. We have ample experience with civil wrongs such as embezzlement, civil rights violations, and civil litigation in general. Please look at our samples below, as this is one of the most important areas of law we handle.
View Other Civil Laws Work Samples Below ↓
- Motion to Dismiss for Failure to Prosecute (Sample)
- Memorandum of Law in Support of Motion to Dismiss (Sample)
- Requests for Discovery (Sample)
- Statement of Discovery Issues and Ex Parte Motion (Sample)
- Certification of Readiness for Trial and Request for Pretrial Conference (Sample)
- Entry of Appearance of Counsel (Sample)
- Notice of Withdrawal of Counsel (Sample)
- Request to Submit for Decision (Sample)
- Notice of Entry of Appearance by Pro Se Litigant (Sample)
Torts & Personal Injury Law
Our team provides essential support in handling tort cases involving areas such as negligence, defamation, personal injury, and other civil wrongs. In the field of personal injury, specifically, we offer comprehensive assistance in—with absolutely no limitation—case file management, interviews, data extraction, thorough research, and the preparation of all the necessary legal documents, including Settlement Demand Letters, Complaints, Requests for Discovery, negotiation outlines, requests for medical records and information, and much more. From accident claims to medical malpractice, our services ensure that legal professionals have the resources they need to advocate effectively for their clients, which is made possible by our meticulous document preparation, case research, and drafting of top-tier legal documents. We can help you build strong cases. Explore our work samples to see how we can support attorneys with precision, meticulousness, and attention to detail with tort law matters.
View Torts & Personal Injury Law Work Samples Below ↓
- Settlement Demand Letter – A (Sample)
- Settlement Demand Letter – B (Sample)
- Complaint (Sample)
- Answer (Sample)
- Complaint for Defamation, Invasion of Privacy, and Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress (Sample)
- Letter of Demand (Sample)
- Complaint for Defamation and Nine Other Causes of Action (Sample)
- Complaint for Fraud, Breach of Expressed Warranty, Deceptive Trade Practices, and Promissory Estoppel (with Exhibits) (Sample)
- Complaint for Embezzlement of Trust Funds (Sample)
Regarding contracts, our expertise ensures that agreements are accurately drafted and executed. We pay meticulous attention to every detail, ensuring that all our agreements are airtight and not deficient in any important terms or provisions that would otherwise harm the parties at the onset of the agreement or in the future if subsequent issues arise. We assist in preparing, reviewing, and organizing all contractual documents, which helps prevent future disputes and protects the interests of all parties involved.
View Contracts Work Samples Below ↓
- Residential Construction Agreement (Sample)
- Master Service Agreement (Sample)
- Purchase Order (Sample)
- Employment Contract (Sample)
- Barter Agreement (Sample)
- Premarital Cohabitation Agreement (Sample)
- Master Contract For the Purchase of Land (Sample)
- Independent Contractor and Owner Operator Lease Agreement (Sample)
Trusts & Estates
In the area of trusts and estates, we assist in drafting wills, setting up trusts, and preparing crucial legal documents. We aim to ensure all paperwork is completed accurately, allowing clients to secure their assets and confidently plan for the future.
View Trusts and Estates Work Samples Below ↓
Business Law
We support professionals in business law by assisting with the drafting, reviewing, and organizing of documents related to business formation, contracts, and compliance. We aim to help businesses establish a solid legal framework while adhering to regulatory standards.
View Business Law Work Samples Below ↓
Other Legal Writing
Specializing in legal document drafting, we provide well-organized materials and documents for various legal matters. From briefs to letters to in-office memoranda, our documents are crafted accurately and professionally to meet the highest legal standards.
View Other Civil Laws Work Samples Below ↓
- Memorandum to Attorney – Analyzing the Likely Outcome of a Case (Sample)
- Memorandum to Attorney – Supporting Evidence, Laws, and Case Law for Clients’ Legal Claims (Sample)
- Letter to Client (Sample)
- Deposition Summary (Sample)
- Transcription of Audio Recording (Sample)
- Cease and Desist Letter for Harrasment (Sample)
- Timeshare Cancelation Demand Letter (Sample)
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